Rapid Response is a non-profit organization founded by members of the churches of Omaha in early 2000 in response to the increasing number of natural and man-made disasters around the world.
Comprised of all volunteers, each team member is responsible for financing their portion of trip expenses.  Many of our volunteers work full time and use their vacation time to travel.

Our staff members are also responsible for raising their own personal support and travel expenses.

We strive to be compassionate. We genuinely care for all of God’s people throughout the world and share His love through our actions and words.

We are aware of cultural differences and treat each culture with respect and dignity.


We Are Committed To:

Bringing hope to the hopeless by meeting the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of those suffering in the midst of crisis

Meeting the needs of the poor and disadvantaged, here and around the world

Building relationships with those we serve in order to meet their immediate and future needs.

Providing a pathway of service and training for each of our members, allowing them to maximize their willingness and care as responders

Identifying like-minded organizations and developing relationships with them as we seek to prioritize the best initiatives for disaster response

Our Vision | Our Method


The impact of a disaster is immediate and long term. The effects of loss, destruction and hardship do not end when the disaster no longer makes the news headlines. We continue to send teams to the affected people as long as we feel we can be of assistance. From the heartland of America, we can make our mark on the world.

God has called us to use relief work as a tool to bring hope and love to those hurting the most. It is at this darkest hour when His light shines brightest into the lives of victims in disasters.

Having a “front seat” in disaster relief provides a unique vantage point from which we witness tremendous heartache, physical and mental pain.
With training, teamwork and a heartfelt desire to assist those in greatest need, we are able to positively impact the immediate needs of these hurting souls.

The flexibility and adaptability of ORR’s teams enable us to help many individuals and families … and sustain a relationship with them through rescue, recovery and beyond.


Most areas affected by disasters have access to the food and supplies necessary to meet the needs of the people but lack the means to deliver it.

We go into the affected communities meeting with the leaders, and take their requests for immediate needs. Then we purchase the items in the nearest city or country to that area. This eliminates the timely delays that can occur with other relief efforts.

This also allows us to travel to areas where other larger agencies can not or will not serve. Additionally this aids in the recovery of the local economy, which speeds recovery from disaster by providing income and jobs.

By teaming with local doctors that are familiar with language and culture of the area, we can provide more efficient medical services. We work with the physicians to purchase medicines and supplies to best meet the needs of the people in the devastated area.