
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."   - Matthew 6:21

Your support is vital...

Your financial support is vital in helping us continue to bring disaster relief to those in need. All gifts to Rapid Response are tax deductible.

Ways To Give

Give right here online by filling out the form or send a check to:

Rapid Response America 
PO Box 53, Boys Town, NE 68010

All gifts to Rapid Response (RR) are tax deductible.
All staff and volunteers are responsible for raising personal and ministry support.

You may give to several different areas listed below.
We ask that you please not write in the memo area of your check but include a note showing designation preference.

General Ministry Fund

This fund supports the general disaster and humanitarian aid relief work and administrative needs of ORR

Country / Disaster Venue

The area(s) to which you wish to designate your gift.

RR Staff Member

Staff members may be full-time or part-time paid employees, (most-to-all are volunteers) and are responsible for raising their own personal support and trip expenses.

Team Member

Team members are volunteers who have committed to go on short term disaster or relief team and are responsible for raising their own support for trip expenses.

Area Most Needed

Prioritize your funds to go to the area with the most urgent current need.